Friday, April 25, 2014

REVIEW: "Forever Complete", by Regina Frame

"Forever Complete", by Regina Frame Romance Author 

As always, I aim to give an honest review without giving any spoilers ;)

This is the third book, preceded by "Parker's Past" and "Saving Chloe".  It could be read as a standalone, but you get a much better background and understanding of the characters and their history if you read those books prior to "Forever Complete".

In "Forever Complete", by author Regina Frame, we again meet up with Chloe and Parker (and Lexie, Gibb, and Jax return, also).

There's always the existing chemistry between Chloe and Parker-- they have trouble keeping their hands off of each other. ;) 

But this story also has much more to experience for this couple. They're humorous, loving, hard-headed lol... Then there's an element of danger that puts a twist on their story.  

I found myself laughing at their banter; frustrated with some stubbornness; biting my nails at some dangerous parts.

Regina is a great story teller, and she's able to draw you in.

For an enjoyable read, I recommend this book.  <3 

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